Responsibilities and competences
Department for Environmental Projects Implementation
The Department implements projects aimed at improving the environment and sustainable management of its resources under the Operational Programme: 'Technical Assistance', funded by the Operational Programme Infrastructure & Environment, LIFE+ fund, as well as the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The Department carries out projects in the field of remunerations and qualification improvement, including their implementation in regional directorates for environmental protection. It is also responsible for reviewing intra- and inter-Ministry programmes, plans and strategies that allow to implement projects, as well as manage the Partnership: Environment for Development Network, as well as coordinate working groups within the network.
Moreover, the Department maintains and manages a database on environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental impact assessments.
Department for Environmental Impact Assessment
It is responsible for implementing and executing operating rules, and coordinating the domestic environmental impact assessment system, conducts and monitors legislative processes that may affect the correct transposition of EU legislation in this area. It participates in strategic environmental impact assessments for draft policies and strategies of national scale, among others. It conducts administrative proceedings and participates in court-administrative proceedings relating to projects likely to have significant effects on the environment. It works on the correct application of the law in the investment process in relation to the so-called major EU-funded projects. It handles matters associated with the implementation of international and bilateral obligations related to environmental impact assessments. It is responsible for servicing the National Commission for Environmental Impact Assessment.
Department of Administrative Decision-making
The Department conducts second-instance administrative proceedings, as well as in extraordinary modes, cases concerning environmental protection, Natura 2000 impact assessments, environmental damage, co-ordinating draft decisions on the removal of trees or shrubs, draft decisions on zoning and land development, as well as drafts of local plans. It is also responsible for handling matters arising from art. 6 paragraph 3-4 of Council Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, as well as the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage.
Department of Natural Resources Management
It performs tasks related to protected areas (with the exception of national parks), protection of species, natural habitats, protection of trees, alien and dangerous species, as well as botanical gardens, zoos and animal rehabilitation centres. In addition, it handles matters concerning the management of Natura 2000 areas, including establishing areas, protection planning, monitoring, and the network's IT system. It is responsible for the management of information about the environment in the area of the geographical information system, spatial databases, as well as maintaining and providing information from the Central Register of Nature Conservation Forms. It cooperates with the Ministry of the Environment in terms of harmonising documents relating, in particular, to the implementation of international agreements on nature conservation. It is responsible for the substantive implementation informational conventions on nature protection, i.e. the Berne and Ramsar conventions, as well as the European Landscape Convention and the Aquatic Warbler Memorandum of Understanding.
Director General's Office
The Office coordinates internal control matters in the General Directorate for Environmental Protection, it is responsible for providing financial, HR and organisational services, managing property, tasks related to computerisation and handling public procurement procedures. The Office's competences include managing the website of the European Ecological Network "Natura 2000", as well as the website of the General Directorate for Environmental Protection, Public Information Bulletin and other websites. The Office coordinates the Directorate's cooperation with the media, plans and implements information and promotion activities, including those related to creating the public image of the Directorate through the media. The Office is also responsible for carrying tasks assigned to the General Director for Environmental Protection by the Act of 15 July 2011 on the National Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), including maintaining the register of organisations registered in the eco-management and audit scheme, and implementing information and promotion tasks in this regard. In addition, it coordinates tasks associated the protection of personal data, preparation of non-military defence measures and creating conditions for the functioning of a safety control system in the General Directorate for Environmental Protection, as well as crisis management tasks.
Legal Bureau
The bureau is responsible for correct drafting of legal acts, providing legal services for the General Director for Environmental Protection, as well as interpreting regulations and issuing legal opinions. The bureau's competences include information management and providing information on the environment.
Budget and Finance Team
The team carries out tasks related to overseeing the implementation of budget revenue and expenditure from EU funds, as well as tasks concerning the control of programmes' accounting. It draws up revenue and expenditure plans, as well as plans of expenditure from EU funds. It performs tasks in the field of financial management, budget, financing and statistical reporting.
Internal Audit Position
The unit is reponsible for carrying out internal audit in the form of an independent and unbiased examination and systematic assessment of the compliance, efficiency and effectiveness of management control, as well as provides assistance aimed at improving the functioning of the General Directorate for Environmental Protection.
Classified Information Protection Position
The cell is responsible for the implementation of tasks concerning the protection of classified information in the General Directorate for Environmental Protection, maintaining a confidential office, as well as the execution of tasks related to statements of means.