conservation management plans
The draft plan is drawn up by the site supervisor (usually Regional Director for Environmental Protection). During the preparation of a plan it is necessary to encourage participation of entities and subjects who run business activities on the territory of natural habitats and species for which Natura 2000 site was designated as well as to enable public consultations.
The Regional Director for Environmental Protection sets out a plan for 10 years by means of a local legal enactment in the form of a directive, taking into consideration the necessity of preserving and improving the protection of natural habitats and animal and plant species for which the Natura 2000 site was designated. Conservation measures plans can be altered if it is required for the proper protection of natural habitats or animal and plant species.
Conservation measures plan for the Natura 2000 site or its parts can be later developed by preparing a more detailed management plan.
The conservation measures plan for Natura 2000 sites includes:
- the description of borders and the map of the Natura 2000 site,
- identification of existing and potential threats to preserving the proper status of protection in natural habitats and for animal and plant species and their habitats which are the subject of protection,
- the aims of protection,
- specification of conservation measures which define subjects responsible for their implementation and the areas of implementation, especially for the schemes concerning: active protection of natural habitats, animal and plant species as well as their habitats; monitoring the status of the protected subject-matter and monitoring aims realisation; gathering more information on the protected subject-matter and related conditions,
- guidelines to changes in existing studies of conditions and directions of communal spatial development, local spatial development plans and plans concerning spatial development of regions, internal marine waters, territorial waters and exclusive economic zone. The changes concern elimination or diminishing of internal or external threats if they are essential for preserving and renewing the proper status of protection of natural habitats and animal and plant species for which the Natura 2000 site was designated,
- if necessary, indication of the date for drawing up the protection scheme for the part or the whole site.
Detailed procedure of drawing up the protection scheme and the range of activities is set out in the Directive of the Minister of Environment of 17 February 2010.
Projects of protective tasks plans and issuing draft regulations on the establishment of protective tasks plans them on the basis, developed within the framework of the POIS. 05.03.00-00 186/09 project Development of protective tasks plans for Natura 2000 sites in Poland, shall be held on the information and communication platform. Tool allows to remotely work together when creating these documents for persons and institutions, which may influence or whose activities are influenced by a Natura 2000 area. In addition, it gives stakeholders the opportunity to comment or place requests concerning those documents that currently are subjected to social consultation resulting from art. 28 para. 4 of the Act of 16 April 2004 on the Nature Conservation Act.