Monitoring and environmental data
The aim of nature monitoring is to determine the impact of environmental changes on organisms so as to prevent the negative impacts of these changes and, thus, gather the data required to provide effective protection of species and ecological sites. The body responsible for nature monitoring of biological and landscape diversity within the national environmental monitoring programme is the Chief Inspector for Environmental Protection.
Nature monitoring involves regular observations and measurements of particular objects of animate nature taken in order to gain information on changes of these objects in time.
The aim of nature monitoring is to determine the impact of environmental changes on organisms so as to prevent the negative impacts of these changes and, thus, gather the data required to provide effective protection of species and ecological sites.
Legal background:
- The Nature Conservation Act of 16 April 2004 (Journal of Laws of 2009 No. 151, item 1220) places nature monitoring within environmental monitoring. According to the Act, environmental monitoring is concerned with observation and the assessment of the status and changes occurring in the elements of biological and landscape diversity on particular areas as well as the assessment of effectiveness of undertaken environmental protection methods, including observation of natural habitats and plant and animal species.
- The Habitats Directive requires monitoring of the natural habitats mentioned in Annex I (81 habitats occurring in Poland), and plant and animal species in Annexes II, IV and V, including: 39 species of Natura plants and 83 species of Natura animals (excluding birds). The Directive also requires the reporting of monitoring results.
- Convention on biological diversity - according to it, nature monitoring should encompass all levels of biodiversity: ecosystem, species and genetic diversity.
The body responsible for nature monitoring of biological and landscape diversity within the national environmental monitoring programme is the Chief Inspector for Environmental Protection.