Mission and Vision
The General Directorate for Environmental Protection implements its policy taking into consideration the protection and rational use of environmental resources as well as the quality of life of present and future generations.
The General Directorate for Environmental Protection is a professional, modern, rational organisation which is open to cooperation and contributes to efficient protection of the natural environment.
Strategic objectives developed within the scope of project by the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland Processes, objectives, competences - integrated management in the office:
- Provision of a proper level of environmental protection.
- Improvement of the biodiversity protection system.
- Improvement of the environmental impact assessment systems.
- Developing social awareness and knowledge in the field of impact exerted by the process of obtaining gas from shale gas field on the environment, and the interconnected actions aiming at environmental protection.
- Development of a coherent, continuously update database on resources of natural habitats and species.
- Development of the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS).
- Improvement of service quality provided for internal clients and representatives of media in the General and regional directorates for environmental protection.