EIA system support
The General Directorate for Environmental Protection implements the task Support for the environmental and Natura 2000 sites impact assessment system within the framework of the priority programme Support of the Minister of the Environment in pursuing the environmental protection policy. Part 1) Expert opinions, papers, implementation of international commitments. The task is financed from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management resources.
EIA database
Access to the database of environmental impact assessments outside the territory of the Republic of Poland is blocked. The reason is the need to carry out the tasks assigned to ensure system security. Information contained in the database are available through access to public information. The application should clearly specify the scope, manner and form of the information souhgt out, as well as contact details to send the response. You can sent the application by post / courier to the General Directorate for Environmental Protection or by e-mail to kancelaria@gdos.gov.pl or using the ePUAP e-mail box.
The purpose of the implementation of the programme is to unify the substantive approach and interpretation of regulations within the environmental and Natura 2000 sites impact assessment system (hereinafter referred to as the EIA system) at the national level. This objective results from the Act of 3 October 2008 on providing the information about the environment and its protection, public participation in the environmental protection and on environmental impact assessments, which determined the direction of actions aimed at improving the environmental management process in Poland.
Due to the responsibility and importance of the General Directorate for Environmental Protection and of 16 Regional Directorates for Environmental Protection, the authorities which within the government administration have centralised tasks and powers in the field of the environmental protection dispersed so far among various authorities, the above major objective is a comprehensive approach allowing to develop uniform principles and good practices for carrying out the environmental impact assessment procedure.
The experience of the General Directorate for Environmental Protection made it possible to comprehensively formulate and develop detailed assumptions so as to shape the instruments supporting the EIA system and its role in the investment process.
The implementation of the priority programme will allow to create a single methodological ground for the EIA system for both employees of authorites involved in the environmental impact assessment procedures and for external customers: investors, entities preparing environmental forecasts/reports, public, environmental organisations and associations, pupils and students, lecturers and trainers.
The programme included the following areas of the EIA system:
- Raising quality standards of the documentation drawn up within the framework of the environmental impact assessment proceedings, including environmental impact assessment forecasts (EIA forecast) and environmental impact assessment reports (EIA report) and, in particular, decisions issued on environmental conditions,
- Education of employees and dissemination of knowledge in the field of environmental impact assessment among external customers such as: investors, entities preparing EIA reports,
- Streamlining the investment process in the field of environmental impact assessment which is a resultant of quality standards of the documentation and of training. The good quality of the documentation (especially EIA reports) and the experience of employees determine the quality and speed of decisions being made. In this regard, it is particularly important to raise awareness among investors about the role of environmental impact assessment reports and their significance in decision-making by the authorities,
- Improving the efficiency of absorption of EU funds through correct carrying out of the procedure, which will result in a properly made decision on environmental conditions in accordance with the requirements of the EU standards,
- Keeping the IT platform for storing, processing and analysing data, including data on the documentation regarding environmental impact assessments (EIA),
Monitoring the environmental impact assessment system on a national scale.
Diagram of the system for support of environmental impact assessments - (in Polish)
The comprehensive approach to the environmental impact assessment includes, inter alia:
- strategic environmental impact assessment,
- environmental impact assessment of the project,
- Natura 2000 sites impact assessment,
- cross-border environmental impacts,
- environmental reviews.
Within the framework of the above mentioned elements of the EIA system, there are problems concerning:
- cumulative impacts,
- forecasting and impact assessment depending on the type of a strategy paper or investment,
- monitoring the environmental impact of investments,
- post-implementation analysis,
- participation and role of the society in the environmental protection and in the investment process (drawing up documents, decision-making),
- identifying unforeseen adverse effects of the investment implementation at the earliest possible stage,
- evaluation of alternative solutions,
- functioning of the relevant administration authorities conducting or participating in the environmental impact assessment,
- tasks of the National and of the regional committees for environmental impact assessments.
- Report on the training seminar concerning acquiring shale gas in Poland - 15-16 November 2010
- Publication: Rare and endangered bird species in Poland - PDF file (Polish-English version)
- Publication: Bird species in Poland valuable for the Community - PDF (Polish-English version)
- Resolution of the Council of Ministers of 9 November 2010 on types of projects likely to have a significant effects on the environment (Journal of Laws No 213, item 1397) - PDF (Polish-English version)
- Resolution of the Council of Ministers of 9 November 2010 on types of projects likely to have a significant effects on the environment (Journal of Laws No 213, item 1397) - PDF (Polish-German version)
- Resolution of the Council of Ministers of 9 November 2010 on types of projects likely to have a significant effects on the environment (Journal of Laws No 213, item 1397) - PDF (Polish-Russian version)
- Guidelines for planning wildlife passages and action taken to reduce impacts of roads on fauna
- Monitoring waterfowl migration
- Changes in administrative proceedings in matters of environmental impact assessments
- Environmental protection from electromagnetic fields. Information booklet for self-governments
- Legal analysis of the judgments of the Supreme Administrative Court in connection with the rulings of voivodeship administrative courts in terms of environmental impact assessments in cases initiated after 28 July 2005 The range of environmental impact Public participation Providing information to the public
- Projects likely to have significant environmental impact - a guide to the Regulation of the Council of Ministers